I am doing this blog post to notify my clients who kept my contact details in their phone. I used to change my personal number and other contact details in every specific period of time. I could not tell you that time period or specific reason behind it. So please check every time whether the contact details has been changed or not. I have given my personal number to few number of regular clients who have taken my Bangalore escorts service several times. I just need to notify them that sometimes you could not connect that number that means it has been changed.
There are lots of reasons behind the change in the number. The first one is for security of the clients and those who are supporting me. And the second reason is avoid some fake clients who usually calling me for time pass chit chat. That kinds of peoples making big nuisances in my daily life. So changing the contact number is the one and only way to hide from those low class peoples. So keep connected with me through mail and that is the best way of communication to update the contact details and escort related services in Bangalore.