I have went through some western websites that offering professional escorts services to the interested peoples. Most of the websites are maintained by leading escort agencies. I think the taste of peoples in the western countries are extremely different from Indian peoples. Indians need very romantic and soft erotic experience but they need very hard and non amateur experience. I could see its reflecting in their websites and the pictures they have added is similar to porn stars. Any way their style and approach towards their escorts services is different from eastern countries. I just went through the websites to know what is their system and how they have developed their websites and how they are applied the contents. I must say that they websites looks extremely different from Indian escorts websites, especially Bangalore escorts websites looks very cool.
Most of the websites are divided the space among the escorts service providers and most of the place occupied by the leading escorts agencies in the cities. The term independent escort services is very low. I found three or four girls who are offering independent escort services without the support of any escort agencies. I am sure that this particular system will not be followed by the Indian escort service providers. Dubai is one of the leading destination for escorts services and I am sure that you will not get any independent escorts service girl in Dubai city. Most of the websites also run by Dubai escorts agencies. Please don’t think that why should I explain about the western and Dubai based escorts services. I am just looking for some inspirations from others after all they have only introduced the concept of erotic services in the name of escorts services in Bangalore.