Self defence by escorts

Please don’t think that offering escort or companion service is an easy job where you can earn big amount money every day. I think most of our clients are not aware about the risk level of these services. As we are in India our culture is extremely different from western and European countries where escort

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We are going through an era of strikes against sexual harassment. Last week our Bangalore city witnessed an unforgettable scene like a big mob moving against a branded school in Bangalore where a 6 years old girl sexually assaulted by two sports trainers in the same school. As we are here for any kind of

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Psychology of an escort girl

I could not elaborate this subject more than a level but I will try to post some truths behind the birth of an escort girl. In European or Western countries it is not a big matter that anyone can be an escort girl at anytime, no need to think but in India our culture and

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Decision and lucky

I think my decisions are always leads by lucky, I am not at all joking, I have proof for this statement because it all come out of my experience. I have already told you many times that I am a girl that living in dreams. I need a luxurious life with all facilities and I

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Costumes and cosmetics

Escorts are a beautiful world of sexual services where I could not ignore the importance of costumes and cosmetics. Escort executives must be very beautiful to attract their clients and must not be artificial. So I have to find narrow line between over and low use of costumes and cosmetic because the use of these

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History of escorts

I don’t have a deep knowledge in this subject but I have some information about the history behind escort services in the world and I would like to share it here within my Bangalore escorts blog. I think the concept escort service is come from the western countries like United States of America. The richest

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My Limitations

As a leading independent Bangalore escorts girls I have lots of limitations. Please don’t think that I am creating these limitations myself but it is natural for a genuine independent escort executive. I have already told you that I am a working professional it is not a matter the main thing I am working in

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Flying Dreams

Luxurious life is always a dream of each every person in the world, but I just need to know one thing that how many people are running after that? And how many people are working very hard to make those dreams come true? I can tell the answer for this question with the support of

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Secured Bangalore escorts

Nowadays there are lots of problems going on in our city and most of them are related to Bangalore escorts services. I am sure that all peoples are aware about it. So I am taking care of myself. I suggest my boyfriends to take care themselves. If once you have trapped you could not escape

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Why I am Independent?

I like to be free from all the pressures and restrictions. I think it is part of my character and it will not be changes. From my childhood on-wards I was not ready to follow the strict rules of others. And I have decided to live a life as my wish. When I have reached

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